Solutions for this common insect problem
Stink bugs, or Western Conifer Seed Bugs, can be effectively controlled with a thorough exterior preventative spray at the appropriate time in the fall. The best indicator for the proper timing is to wait until the first stink bugs show up on the side of your house, usually in early September. That’s when it’s time to call and schedule to have your house sprayed.
The spray residual will last for the following 5 to 6 weeks and will kill the stink bugs, as well as flies, wasps, and any other bugs, on the outside of your house and prevent the majority of them from entering the home and annoying you throughout the winter months. This type of spray is most effective when we can be thorough and cover as much of the sides of the house as possible. Therefore if you plan to wash your windows, it is best to schedule the spray before the windows are washed. This allows us to get the best coverage if we don’t have to worry about avoiding the windows.

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